Secure Income Possessions

‘ Medium against title anyone provides perfect protection against seizure, even bankruptcy requests that a creditor with the Court submits and the worst score, what could happen to a debtor, insolvency applications and affidavits can be expertly repel the reader can read the corresponding countermeasures in detail. Last but not least against title has\”an authentic, so far unpublished experience report of a people on approved due to its debts in solitary confinement. Just before the threatening financial crisis, this guide also as preventive reading for almost every citizen is recommended. SELM. Several thousand euros debt at the neck, but lots of fun on the cheeks: this was Dieter Werner, as he left the Office of his boss after a pro-Western fairly one-sided conversation. Why he was so happy? Now, the bailiff had his employer while minutes before passing a referral decision and precautionary garnishee, obtained from a his most persistent creditors.

But unfortunately ran this seizure total into the void. It was simply too late: already some weeks ago Dieter Werner had secured his income from other garnishment attempts of his creditor clever. He did further nothing doing, than to take advantage of all opportunities, which allow law and order him even if he is debtor. And what exactly has made different Dieter Werner as many of his ignorant fellow of fate? He had taken up timely advice. Advice on how he could protect his income bombproof.

He got this advice from a crafty lawyer. Then he had to do nothing further to implement one to one as this knowledge. And now beamed all over his face, and he had every reason to do so: he had taken any power but his money requester about his income. Law and protect also the debtor essentially taken it’s easy: Dieter Werner has exploited the legal basis III ZPO according to 804 for themselves and run his creditors in the empty.

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