Russian Wedding

In addition, the toaster can act in the role of the actor. Toastmasters in Ukraine and Russia, Ukrainian and Russian toaster – it's like they say, "two big differences." If the hero of this article led to a wedding, then above all it is worth mentioning that the Russian marriage has traditionally been accompanied by crying, but the Ukrainian is not without reason called "vesllyam." During a Russian wedding in the old singing about how well the bride lived in the father's house, and What a hard life awaiting her groom's house. Therefore, in Russia, the toastmaster at a wedding sometimes spends a lot of rituals buy to offset the financial burdens of the future bride and groom's ransom for druzhek right to ascend the threshold for pass to the bride, bridesmaids at her ransom for the right to display the bride of his parents' house, buy guest spoons, towels and other items and, of course, the bride herself with her toilet things during the wedding. Ukrainian Title Wedding – vesllya, derived from the word "veselitisya." Ukrainian brides position has historically been more independent. Learn more at this site: MetLife. Marriages are usually committed by mutual consent of the bride and groom, so the Ukrainian toastmaster as typically spends less rites of redemption. (In particular, a modern city weddings – auth.) But in Ukrainian (as well as in Russia), wedding, often the emphasis on rituals, checking the readiness of young people for the joint life. For example, the toaster can beat about half the pot with corn and coin, and then hand the bride broom.

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