Neither revolts in the Middle East, or North Africa nor the Greek crisis and the threats to the natural heirs of Bin Laden in Al-Qaida anything like that is influencing 100% today–and future–the price of oil. The Brent of the North Sea in US$ 118 barrel approaching the maximum of the year in the $125. The variety West Texas, after nearly touching US $150 per barrel in July 2008, go down to $33 in January 2009 during the recession following the financial crisis, today found in levels of $97 barrel, and prospects are on the rise. It is nothing more than a microeconomic issue that explains it: supply and demand. Today oil price estimates are lower, once Saudi Arabia reaching up his voice at the last meeting of the Organization of the petroleum exporting countries’s (OPEC), exporting cartel of oil composed of twelve countries in Vienna last week. This last meeting was conflicted, since OPEC did not accept the position of Saudi Arabia increase quotas of production of members to try to calm high prices of crude (especially Brent type), since high crude oil prices hinder recovery – fragile yet – United States and also in Europe after the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. We should remember that before the increase in the price of the barrel around a 40% last year, and before the necessary replacement of oil coming from Libya that has disappeared from the market an offer of 1.3 million per day, and of Syria and Yemen affected by geopolitical problems; countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates seeking a halt to the rise in crude oil. According to the director of OPEC by Iran, Mohammad Ali Khatibi, Arabia and his followers have been too influenced by strong energy consumption as United States (friends) countries that are demanding cheaper fuel (the gallon of gasoline reached US$ 4 in the United States in a presidential election year with 25 million employees and underemployed and an economic recovery) too lethargic).