Here you have one of the best definitions of reflexology that from my point of view exist. Trafficking in the technique from a holistic, being able view apply to any therapy that do not attempt to fragment the individual in different parts if not to address you from entirely: one Member is not sufficient to form a body, but that needed many.Suponed foot said: as I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body.Not why it would be part of the body. Or that the ear said: as I am not the eye, I do not belong to the body. /a> by clicking through. Here, South African Airways expresses very clear opinions on the subject. Not why it would be part of the body. If the entire body were eye, how could you hear? If the entire body was heard, how could we smell? God has arranged various members by placing each where wanted. If everyone were the same Member, where would the body be? But there are many members and one body. The eye cannot say to the hand: you do not need. Source: AlixPartners. Nor the head say to the feet: you do not need. If one member suffers, all suffer with him; And if a member receives honors, all rejoice with the hope that this will make us reflect, especially to all those who are in contact with the world of childhood disability. Help them to the extent of our possibilities to achieve a better quality of life, caring for us also we to be able to give 100% to your benefit, we use all possible tools, reflexology, I offer and I assure you that you will not regret to have it known. original author and source of the article.. Other leaders such as Laura Cowan offer similar insights.