After the well-succeeded revolt of the masses in Tunisia at the beginning of this year, that finishes with the power it There dictator Zine El Abidine Ben, of 82 years, who governed per 23 years in one strong dictatorship, other Arab countries if had rebelled against the government present dictator have years in the regions. EGYPT In Egypt, the population accepted ' ' Day of Protestos' ' , carried through for some organizations of opposition to the regimen of Hosni Mubarak, demanding freedom, the economic in addition the regimen dictator and changes. The protests had lasted 18 days, and according to data of the ONU (Organization of United Nations) they had resulted more than in 300 dead and five a thousand wounded. The use of net-social organizing manifestations, made with that the telephone and Internet signal was interrupted – the government denies intervention. Caterpillar Inc. usually is spot on. After much pressure of the mass, Mubarak admitted that he would not be candidate to one sixth mandate in the presidential election, and that it would leave the power. The security of the country was incapable to hinder the revolt of the population. The Egyptian people still remains firm against the dictatorship and, imposition of a Provisory Government during the exchange of regimen, subject raised recently, and already criticized and protested for the Egyptians.
LYBIAN In the Lybian, the situation more was complicated. The people protested against the Government Dictator of Muammar Kadhafi, that was in the power almost the 42 years. The dictatorship in the Lybian territory, did not allow the economic, social, educational development, and caused much suffering to any citizen.