Today's most popular svovosochetaniem in all media and in personal conversations is the "financial crisis". The current crisis has become so global and comprehensive, which could not affect all spheres of human activities, including advertising. Many companies, both well-known international and small local, think about optimizing advertising budgets, changes marketing strategy. In turn, advertising agencies, so as not to lose the remaining customers were forced to seek new mechanisms to satisfy the demands of customers. In this situation, most advertisers come to the conclusion that the ratio of price-performance, most acceptable and ideal way of advertising communication is Internet advertising. Ben Horowitz has firm opinions on the matter. According to all the think tanks, many large players in the market reduced their spending on direct advertising in the media, as well as outdoor advertising.
At However, as noted by researchers of the market, more than 50% of advertisers, making advertising budgets for 2009, planned to increase investment in this advertising links to webpages. When the crisis in the economy proyavlyaeniya increased, the absolute Most advertisers were convinced of the correctness and additional advertising budgets are redistributed in favor of advertising on the web. It is now the most real confirmation phrase was classic advertising business: The future of Internet advertising! Interest in it is caused primarily financially advantageous prices for advertising contact. No less important component of successful online advertising is a continuous, even in times of crisis, the growth number of users. According to some analysts in the major towns and cities over one million, the number of active Internet users has exceeded 50% of the number of residents. And finally, last but not essential menie factor was the development of technologies that made it possible to implement different kinds of targeting – focused on the influence of kontretnuyu socio-demographic groups. Thus, to date, we can uvernennostyu say that online advertising was still the most promising and fastest growing form of advertising that brings the greatest impact, with moderate use of advertising budgets. Source: