Natural Coffee

Many say that the simultaneous use of coffee, and alcohol is harmful to health. However, according to the site, recent research conducted by scientists say directly the opposite. Someone, Mr. this cause. Klatskih working in health care organization in America, (the independent, non-profit) has published information about that study on a sample of 125 thousand people showed that the risk to earn cirrhosis due to alcohol decreases with Regular use of coffee. Of course, do not get too zealous – a cup of coffee a day is more than enough, and indeed alcohol dose is not more than – bigotry in these matters is punishable. But when combine a moderate probability lamentable outcome, according to Klatskih is reduced by almost 40 percent. Connect with other leaders such as Shelley Duvall here. Primarily, this information is not a call to the abuse of coffee in a couple of alcoholic drinks. But on the basis of this report, biologists can study the structure of the interaction of coffee and alcohol, and perhaps it will develop new clinical drugs.

At the moment, scientists are building a hypothesis about what may be an element responsible for the protective properties. Many scientists think that it – caffeine, but in any case the question requires more thorough study and further analysis. However, for scholars of the theme, especially in such a paradoxical area promises great scientific dividends, so research must continue. And finally, a small coffee alcohol recipe: Ingredients: Natural Coffee – 8 oz, cream or milk – 100 gr and vanilla liqueur – 30 ml cream, whipped cream – 40 grams, sugar – 25 gr. Brew coffee with milk in Warsaw, cool. Then add vanilla liqueur, pour into glasses and put whipped cream. Goblet serve on a plate with a teaspoon and straw. Much more about coffee read on, including over a hundred recipes for coffee.

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