When we speak of the Modernismo, the first thought that we have is ‘ ‘ the age of the romance brasileiro’ ‘. After the two first decades of century XX completely the Brazilian romance it appeared renewed, more not fitting the innocent subjetivismo of before, the new moment repleto of transformations needed a certain enrollment and is in this aspect that the fiction romance gains force, marking strong its presence in the Modernismo. From 1930 the fiction romance assumes the character of social enrollment, is the regionalistic romance giving beginning to a new cycle of trends that later would englobaria a psychological mixture of social aspects, politicians and. Graciliano Branches, in its workmanship ‘ ‘ Angstia’ ‘ , of 1936, it obtains to explore the character of social denunciation for a psychological bias and is in this context the thematic development of the boarded one in this work. 1 the psychological one in: Anguish ‘ ‘ This vidame maltreats, is turning psychopathic ‘ ‘(Flvio Lemos /Loro Jones/F Lemos /Pedro Pepper) psychological in the workmanship ‘ ‘ Anguish, of Graciliano Branches, beyond en vogue placing the question of the oppressing system as moulder and controller of less the most favored socially, works the question of psique human being as factor determined for external situations. Thus, the plot of the workmanship takes in to understand them that ‘ ‘ Luis Da Silva ‘ ‘ so he was frustrated, restrained and damaged throughout its life that the only thing that it has to offer is accurately everything what it received during its trajectory. All its devaneios, pass first for an overwhelming mental process before the accomplishment, are as if its action depended on a external factor to stimulate its desires of anger and revenge, this factor already was accumulated in Luis, but it needed to process it mentally to all stimulate the obscure side of the man.