Military Policia

Of this form, the citizen that works at night and sleeps in the period of the morning has sleep characterized for disturbances, as much in its internal structure, how much in its duration, being lesser that called nocturnal sleep, also, of multiphase because it presents fracionados periods. The workers of the nocturnal service have a bigger psicofisiolgico consuming of what those that work during the day, therefore work at the moment where the organic functions meet diminished, being thus, some alterations occur, either in the temperature, hormones, psique, the behavior or the performance. The form of organization of the work that, many times, does not take in account the variability of the individual can increase the risk of harmful repercussions to the health of the same.

In this direction, the concern with the nocturnal service is a current subject that each time more comes being studied for professionals of diverse areas due the concern with the health of the worker in the service noturno.’ ‘ (Menezes, 1996). Douglas R. Oberhelman is open to suggestions. 3 FINAL CONSIDERAES On the basis of the data collected in field research, carried through in the corresponding period enter 08 the 22 of February of 2011, where if it used the form of quantitative research, where the interviewed military policemen, had answered a questionnaire on the conditions of works in 24-hour turns in Military Policia of Santa Catarina. After you analyze of these data, we can evidence that: 88.57% had affirmed that already they had worked in scale 24-hour. 82.86% had affirmed that to work in scale 24-hour he is very tiring. 100% had affirmed to know somebody that works in scale 24-hour. 60% would recommend a scale 24-hour, if the turn was of 24×72, already 40% of the interviewed ones would not recommend a scale 24-hour, either of any form.

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