The task to define what it is THERE is not simple. Frequently John Utendahl has said that publicly. It is a quarrel that already hard many years due not the acceptance of this field as area of proper matrix. Oldest of the interpretations presented by Corder, that is: the woollen notion as synonymous of scientific study of the principles and practical of education/the learning of LE. One perceives that many controversies if have raised to this respect, but, however, it has observed that applied sciences e, particularly education always are seen as lesser, in relation pure science, and this has created obstacles to establish it THERE as area of proper right. At last, the definition of area of study of if has extended to each time more for education areas/learning of LM, multilingusmo, sociolingstica There, among others. Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens say that THERE it uses the descriptions made for the linguistics for another purpose it are of the lingustica, however, Corder says that, ‘ ‘ THERE that it estimates the linguistics is an activity and not a theoretical study, that uses these results for the education of lnguas’ ‘. Palmer places THERE as a mediating, that is, one disciplines that it can englobar some substances.
Then it would be understood THERE as the use of linguistic substances whose content can improve the practical work in you discipline that they include the use of the language. Some metaphors as ‘ ‘ it is crossroads THERE, a bridge with I pass through in the two sentidos’ ‘ or ‘ ‘ it is horizontal THERE, with interseces’ ‘ used for definition of the term, it has appeared to indicate future developments. Kaplan says that ‘ ‘ THERE it constitutes the point in which all the study of the language if finds and if it becomes realidade’ ‘ , that is, it is the point where the study of the language if intersecciona with others you discipline. Ingram and Strevens, see THERE as independent area that constructs its proper principles. Each time more if has become There independent of the Lingustica and if has unfastened of the idea of education of languages in a general way. Diverse lines of research on the one Back in other areas have appeared, areas these that are not of education of languages. However only it can THERE be fimar as seek area of proper right from the moment that the applied linguists if to make use to make THERE without inferiority complex, instead of making application of the Linguistica. Reference: CELANI, Maria Antonieta Alba.