International Monetary Fund

Thus, the World Bank not primarily serve the promotion of a developing country, but the manifestation of the economic influence of the industrialized nations, so the shareholders. In May 2007, the President of Venezuela, announced Hugo Chavez, the exit from the International Monetary Fund as well as from the World Bank. Hugo Chavez said the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank to be a tool of American imperialism, the peoples to impose a wild and exploiting social and economic policy”. Venezuela still remained a member of both organisations and instead founded the Bank of the South with. Source:, score, author supplement: there are 2 known human being directions: the traditionalists (keeper): approx. 80% and the modernists: approximately 20% are the 2 main strategies in management therefore: push and pull (push or pull) in combination with active and passive! In the application, this means: I motivate (push) “or I would go forward with good example (pull)”. “Said to me recently: I can my staff just ask what I can do.” Sorry, I understand that or not I thought the Guide culture is extinct. Sorry, I’m a conversation it is today called I speak with it properly! Since the brain by contrast processing refers to his power and dominates our or logic in the West, it came to following economic Think schools: The 6 most important national economists and their theories (source:, selection, author): John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946): Government plays, in contrast to the laissez-faire or neo liberal market economy, a crucial economic role.

Demand theory, SPD Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950): Theorist of capitalism, which he characterized as creative destruction to constantly reinvent. Free play of market forces, FDP John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006): Bekennender Linksliberaler he campaigned all his life for a strengthening of the State institutions and a promotion of demand. The thesis that capitalism produces both private wealth and public poverty was at the Centre of his thought and work.

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