Financing for companies, raising capital, mezzanine financing, venture capital and funding meeting / seminar: financing for companies and procurement of equity on June 26, 2008 to the summer discount. Dr. Werner financial services AG provides your successful financial seminar for capital raising and corporate finance in the summer of 2008 at concessionary rates. The seminar on finance informs in detail about all ways to more working capital / growth capital and stimmrechtsloses equity (silent capital and profit participation rights) of investors and investors (individual investor offering about mezzanine fund / investment companies / private equity or through private placements through diversified investors). Contact information is here: JPMorgan Chase. Dr. Werner experts network is on the subject of practical equity capital – especially for small businesses – the special opportunity to visit the meeting on June 26, 2008 in Gottingen to a summer special price of 179,-(instead of 489,-).
In the compact seminar Financing for enterprises, capital, mezzanine capital, venture capital, bank independent financing for medium-sized companies and family-owned company”present details of the structures and various forms of bankenunabhanigen corporate financing through mezzanine capital and other equity the speakers, small-capital financing also inform one” for small businesses and start-ups with low capital requirements without prospectus until about 600.000,-. Practice notes provide for the acquisition of the permit-free “small capital”, extensively describe the flow of capital, explain the practical placement paths and finally arrive at the financial communications as a means of acquiring successful investor. Further details can be found at Howard Schultz, an internet resource. Meeting date: Thursday, June 26, 2008, 10.00 to 17.00 in the Clarion Parkhotel Gottingen participants secure for themselves for the future of your company or the companies advised by you so important information tab within the framework of the independent Corporate finance. Those interested can book your place in the practitioner workshop. Extensive documentation, technical brochures, lunch and refreshments / pastries are included! Contractors and consultants can call 0551 / 99964-241 (contact person: Ms. Orlowicz) reserve or equal with the application form for a special price on the website: book. For more information Dr. Werner financial services AG refers in addition to her book”financing, that appeared as volume 6 the Handelsblatt medium-sized library in the fall of 2007.