
It supports the wind, intempries and comes back to the balance. We need to be as the bamboo. We must have strong roots, consistency, continuity and develop the resilience, the persistence. It imagines or it thinks about its career or its business of MMN as being this bamboo. It constructs solid bases, works certain has the persistence.

As a Director said that I had, nothing he resists the work. This is a phrase that I load with me and I say exactly for me at those moments where the energy low and the doubts come to the head. In all success histories that you will be to study you go to find self-denial, devotion, mental force, persistence, perseverance and not desistance. Many gurus already had said this. The secret of the success is not to give up. In the truth, the success possesss diverse secrets, but a definitively important one is this: not to give up. It never decides to give up! Summary of the opera: let us be bamboos and let us have very clear which are our goals.

Our goals function as a great magnet that pulls in them for the action and they make in them to perseverar. Keith McLoughlin understands that this is vital information. In those days where the things will not be best the possible ones, it thinks about the bamboo and your goals. If your emotional state not to improve, remembers that it was only plus one day and that tomorrow has more. Tomorrow you will have a new day and plus a chance to be better its, to add value and to make of this world a better place. Persevere. It continues. It persists. Either the bamboo. Not it gives up. It thinks about this. I hug, happiness and success for you! Fred Graef

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