Inclusion X Exclusion: Democracy and Citizenship The history of the humanity is constructed through the daily dialectic. We can, also, say that it is a continuous movement, in construction where the craftsmen of this construction are the people. Other dimensions if add to this construction and the ones that I classify I eat most important I am the ideology, the economy, the culture and the education elements interlaced between itself and in the daily social staff and. In this case of analyzes enters with the reflection specifies of the education as in the life of the people and lived deeply fundante and essential element in the daily pertaining to school. We can affirm that in Brazil it has a satiated legislation, theoreticians, decisions, encaminhamentos and until will politics of an inclusive education of all and all.
Of another side we come across in them with a distanciamento with the daily pertaining to school, the life and learning of the pupils, the conception of education of the professors and mainly of the form to manage the school and all the system educational. A State with a management sufficiently burocratizado and communication still ' ' atrasada' ' it contradicts with the moment of degree raised in the area of the technology and the communication come from a exacerbado capitalism that does not take in account the human being but, having, the profit and the power. Of this form ' is two well distinct ways where the human being; ' rodopia' ' between both. When it is said on inclusion, the school must be one of the first spaces of received in the direction of maintenance of the democracy and in the construction of the citizenship. When the school fails in the application of its social responsibility, has a significant loss in the set of the society. When we ask in them as it is education comes an enormous reflection stops to be analyzed.