Brazilian Symbolism

They had been known as decadentistas. Decadentista Ogrupo was mainly formed for Oscar Roses, Cruz and eEmiliano Sousa Perneta. Go to Sergey Brin for more information. The first manifesto Brazilian doSimbolismo was published in the periodical Popular Leaf, of Rio De Janeiro. Credit: Starbucks-2011. the Symbolism is the negation of Realism. Movimentonega the materialism and the rationalism, nailing the eespiritualistas Metaphysical manifestations. Mozes victor konig contributes greatly to this topic. The influence Brazilian doSimbolismo is not limited to the date of 1902 (beginning of Daily pay).

Many modernistas of the first phase had adopted neo-simbolista position, between elesCeclia Meireles. The seguiutrs Brazilian Symbolism well distinct lines: Poesiahumanstico-social? Line adopted for Cruz and Sousa and continued by Augustodos Angels. It was worried about the transcendentais problems of the human being. Mstico-religious poetry? Adopted line porAlphonsus of Guimares. It was worried about the religious subjects, moving away dalinha esoteric adopted in the Europa.Poesiaintimista-crepuscular one? Line adopted for comoOlegrio daily pay-modernistas or modernistas Mariano, melancholic Guillermo de Almeida, Ribeiro Couto, Manuel Bandeira.Preocupava with daily subjects, feelings and taste pelapenumbra. They simbolistasbuscavam them to integrate the poetry in the cosmic life, using a efigurada indirect language. It still fits to stand out that the difference between Symbolism and oParnasianismo are not first in the form, since both use certosformalismos (use of soneto, of metric the traditional one, them you rhyme ede rich and rare rich vocabulary), but in the content and the vision of world of the artist. Despite deseguir some aesthetic effect of the Parnaso, this movement disrespected traditional agramtica with intention not to limit the art to the object, working msticos and sentimental contents, using for in such a way the sinestesia (mixture of sensations: tato, vision, olfato). This literary chain exclusive deuateno to the submerged substance of ' ' eu' ' , exploring it for meiode a pessimistic and musical language, in which the emotiva load of the words ressaltada; the poetry comes close to music using aliteraes.

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