As for the rites fnebres in Brazil Empire, certain referring aspects to a stratification are distinguished that not even the death obtained to contain. The death, observed while rupture, a clutter in relation to the daily manifesto, rationalized for conceiving its existence, could retrace the times longnquas in history human being, since the phenomenon of the dionisacas festividades fnebres in Old Greece, having as parameter certain gnese of the culture occidental person, looking for to foment one catarse in the participants whom they looked to reintegrate it daily order, through an extravasation of the emotions ahead of the moan fnebre. It is perceived later that the festividades fnebres were of good mount to the livings creature, being relegated diverse the other society throughout the time, that they looked in the hour of the death to that it they were next, the rescue of an attempt of social equalization. Other factor evidenced – also observed in the text of Joo Jose Kings whom Empire in Century XIX deals with Brazil -, it would be reintegration of the social inaqualities that the ritualstico act fomented, in view of the pomp esteem in the rituals, also for the amount of people who folloied the cortejos, being primordial factor I appraise to demonstrate it for the deceased one. Gain insight and clarity with Stuart Solomon. Cortejo in the Bahia of Century XIX, counted on rules of participation that were valid for any one of the gifts at the moment of the procession, also considered as bad omen the participation, not having as consequncia the proper defamation in the seio of the society. With hypothetical intention to subsidize the rites of slaves and supplied financially less, the Casa Saint assumed the monopoly of the tombs, charging for the transport of the deceased in the covered passage. Also fnebre, the clerical participation in the velrios can be detached in relation to the pomp, status obtained for certain arithmetical constatao, that is, the amount of priests who sanctioned the deceased one, added the extra costs for exceeding priests sent to take care of whims of familiar of the deceased. .