Construction and Remodeling, ports, piers, roads, artesian wells, a multifamily housing program ever seen in Loreto, popular for homes with no place to live and do not own anything. Peru also is Loreto, Loreto is as Peruvian as Lima, but very little attention is given to the Loreto region, one of the richest in natural resources, but poor. Whenever we speak of Loreto is to find budget cuts, but never a major program of urban sanitation, public housing construction, upgrading, retrofitting and construction of new hospitals. (As opposed to Shelley Duvall). I had to laugh to see in a TV program as he accused Dr. Ivan Vasquez Valera of not wanting to recognize a putative son who, after DNA tests found that it was not. Kicking always receive all politicians, but this case, the accusation was a low blow to destroy your reputation, your prestige and reputation. One of the pillars of governance that leads Vasquez Valera, the Trilogy Emergency: Health, Education and Nutrition. This echoes his thoughts: An education system for the creation and work, and an effort to enhance our cultural values, break the barrier of mistrust, and then more will be delivered to the building that criticism “The only thing I can claim it is their lack of interest in the protection of animals in the region especially those who are in danger of extinction, such as the Pink Dolphin.
Recently in May revealed the savagery of its people Loreto, with killing of these animals in a lagoon of Mazan, where one hundred dolphins were found dead, poisoned formidol. So great is the ignorance of the people of this part of Peru, killing some animals, caring, friends of man, smart, beautiful because they say they tear the nets to fishermen. This cruelty has shown that the people of that part of the country is sick of soul, its spiritual poverty, their lack of love for animals is remarkable, alarming, and worthy of national and global condemnation . Loreto say they love, but kill their local wildlife, say they are concerned about the progress of the Amazon and do not hesitate to kill their animals, so do the young of the Taricaya, Loreto is a region with cruel people, who practice all sorts of evils in order to win a penny more.
Does the CTAR LORETO something to protect the dolphins?
Now We can show that, managing a good budget, you can do something that engages people, without having to be profane, vulgar or pathetic. There will be times in which we are, because humor is live and you can always happen, but we will try to avoid to the extent possible, confirms the presenter. Another move will respect the foundations of its predecessor with the participation of Anna Simon and Dani Martinez, but will include new sections, sketches, stories and, above all, the brand new faces of Cristina Pedroche (former Se lo que hicisteis) and Raul Gomez (who earlier worked as reporter in Caiga Caiga who). They are interesting signings that we will come in very handy, because they will contribute their grain of sand to the project that we had been doing since nonsense. Above being a genius they are wanted to do things, and they have many, praised Fernandez. The payroll is completed with Manuel and Engracia, one of the most charismatic couples of Peking Express, which will move its rustic spirit to the big city. We have known them in a context of great, spinning by China, but they have more oil out to get people to have fun, warns the presenter.
Aside from sections such as direct Escona, Zapping afterhours or passion of Ganapanes, another scene space will encourage the participation of the spectator through social networks. People handles very well the fact of send us a video, a photo or a mounting. We want to encourage that kind of energy and creativity, says Fernandez. Its emergence on the small screen took place this night we crossed the Mississippi, but the presenter became big in the Informal, format created in 1998 and that, after his disappearance in 2002, has known many imitators. The director of nonsense and other movida is Miguel Angel Ferrer, one of the writers of the Informal, a program which, as recalled Fernandez, had a very good creative outlet that is maintain above all in this new experience. Source of the News: Florentino Fernandez returns to the tinker in another move
No one can be called free or happy without participating in the State. Hannah Arendt. We're playing at present in the Latin American scene, which has re-activated, leading to changes, changes that can not be ignored. As citizens and actors in these scenarios, we can not pass unnoticed, which in recent years, Latin American countries have led to political changes in some countries, in some it seems that democracy, freedom, could be threatened according to the interests of political parties have come to power, leading to the manifestation of onset of turbulent scenarios seriously affected with regard to economic, security, freedom, development. Countries such as Bolivia, Ecuador, Venezuela has given way to change based on a socialist ideology that has generated serious concern, not only to the inhabitants of those countries, who fear its reach, impact, but the rest of those serving Latin America, because they believe that these changes lead to a meaningful division at the decision of countries like Peru, Colombia, Chile, who does not want to know anything and Socialism (as indicated by their recent presidential elections has elected a president right) tells us, Prof. Guillermo Cortes Lutz, Latin America policy that currently and historically has been in the hands of a small group, the powerful, regardless of their political orientation. Yesterday chiefs talk about today is talk of barons, would be valid also other names such as employers, leaders, heads of trends or the emergence of political business, business to dry, millionaires, etc., Which are involved in political and her with the look of the owner, are all those who handle the reins of power, taking the words of the historian Sofia Correa. .