The present thing is to take the initiative and to make proposals creative that represent a benefit for the company. This proactive attitude towards the company will cause that they consider you as a key element for the profit of the objectives of the company. The same happens if you are in the process search of a use, you must take a passage in front of the organization, trying to arrive at the interviews with information with how you cover the profile and the expectations that are had for since they are going to contract. Of such form that you can enunciate the reasons of because the best option he is contratarte and not to another one of many or many candidates who are participating in the same process of selection. Nevertheless not is easy to sell initiative when level superior not has asked, or when the Administration of the company knows that a reduction of costs and expenses is necessary, but has not initiated no action to optimize the processes. If you are in some of these situations the important thing is to demonstrate in comparative form the benefits of your proposal, eliminated the possibilities that it is rejected. The one that is accepted or rejected the proposal depends on the importance of the benefits that throws the new procedure against the previous one, which surely it has been working per years. As one begins or that detonates the analysis of a process that takes to simplify it to us and To reduce to Costs and Expenses? The key word is creativity, abriendo the mind to different alternatives from how making the things.
If we like our work we are going it to consider as an art work in which she conjugates the imagination and the fantasy in search of opportunities, that when evaluating the resources that they comprise of the process economically materialize in weights and cents, or in the plane of the objective analysis of the process that can also be improved requires of much work and analysis to face any question or questioning on the benefits of the change. This new labor surroundings, surely are amazing for many, nevertheless the change already are occurring and not to recognize it can be catastrophic, the form to work in the future raises a series of challenges and new schemes that there are to assume with innovation, creativity and efficiency. P.c. Curled Bulmaro email: bcrespo@ofisur. com. MX Consultant and Adviser of Businesses focused in supporting to the companies in Reducing to its Costs and Expenses. For which it integrated in Ofisur three segments of business so that the companies increase to their Utilities and Yield.