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The Cuban

This applies to the Internet today. It was a submarine communications cable 2011 while using a ship from Venezuela, from (Fiber-optic cable) set to Cuba, nevertheless, there are for most Cubans still no fast Internet. According to Cuban authorities come only about 3 percent of the population on the Internet. This is a very low value around the world. The current connection speed is also very slow. Almost everywhere in the world, the Internet is faster. Larger resorts in Cuba offer a telegraph office with Internet workstations. There, Cubans can send E-Mails for a fee, or use the Cuban intranet.

The telecommunications traffic of the country is strictly controlled. It is but a strong growth. 2007, there were only about 910.000 private telephone lines with 11.2 million inhabitants and about 330,000 mobile phones according to the statistics. End of 2008 there were already approximately 480,000 mobile phone contracts and end of 2011 already 1.2 million mobile phones and 1.2 million private telephones. The Cuban law journal Gaceta Oficial published the shareholders of ETECSA in February 2011. 51 percent of the shares to the Telefonica Antillana 27 percent RAFIN 11 per cent of the universal Trade & Management Corporation (Utisa) 6.15 percent of the Banco financiero Internacional 3.8 per cent of the Negocios en Telecomunicaciones and 0.9 percent of the Banco Internacional de Comercio. The company Telecom Italia had earlier 27 per cent of the shares but sold to the Spanish Telefonica Antillana. They were sold again for 706 million US dollars to the Cuban company RAFIN.

Cubacel offers international roaming, SMS, MMS and mobile Internet via GPRS in addition to normal telephony. The prepaid phone card in Cuba means prepago “.” Thanks to the international information that Cubacel has concluded with other mobile operators, it is now possible to use the mobile phones of the provider almost everywhere in Europe, America and Asia. Information between Cubacel and German mobile operators. The international country code for calls to Cuba from abroad is + 53.

Care For

“” English pitfalls increase the risk of leaks recently I stumbled while free surfing “through the Web on a page of an online lucky game provider, wove me mentally in the terms of condition” and was quite shocked by the brazen offer of the corresponding provider. So the provider in his English declarations stated that he is able to demonstrate that communication, whether in physical or electronic form s, has been sent to such user, or immediately upon XX BBs posting notice such publicly accessible without charge., which loosely translated meant nothing more than that the provider would at all times be able that is on area of the site, to prove that a communication (and approval) on his terms had taken place or that he had deposited a message on a section of its site that would be accessible to the public. However the owner of the site by no means calls directly, the page but only that she lie in a public area without use or Registration would be publicly accessible. Taking into account the phrase previously made statement, that the site and content embody trade secrets and intellectual property rights protected under worldwide copyright and other laws, so that the page includes important information, the private data and intellectual property rights under worldwide copyright treated, could be, considered one the exact choice of words, the record also shows that these intellectual property rights and private data have global copyright, so would be freely available to anyone. So I wonder, how does this page with my data.

Such iterative-related conditions are no shortage in English terms”and them is all too often by the signatories (in the form of clicks) carelessly quickly agreed to. Ultimately you agrees that E.g. all, possibly indiscreet photos of one even used… So it is no surprise then also ultimately, if a smile even his own visage of a Cola bottle advertising, as well as Facebook practice it should according to its terms and conditions. “” Now, which may be an or others say: anyway, I’ve got no secrets “, which, if this is so, is also good, but should nevertheless tiny data holes” are on his PC, which traced to indiscretions or similar, so he was aware to make public these with any consent to terms and conditions, especially since they point out exactly this in English. What would now help against the possible misuse of data? Always deny every click? Clean up its data on the PC”? “Or even the best always so Act, that his own behaviour and data always in the background of an official readership” can be considered? So considering the categorical imperative, that his own standards and actions could always be based on a general legislation?

Radio Hamburg

Transmitter radio reached at ma 2009 II the best values in the stations history of Augsburg, July 14, 2009 – the national private broadcasters classical radio belongs to the big winners of today published ma 2009 II radio. New historical highs mean record 1.42 million listeners per day and more than 11 million people who have already heard the transmitter for classical radio. So so many people listen to the like never before. Also the record increase of + 14 demonstrated % among the audience per average hour (Mon Sat, 6 am-6 pm). + 50% increase in listeners per average hour for classical Radio Hamburg radio Berlin and + 7.41% for classical radio Bavaria could an increase of + 10% for classical music, as well as the transmitter also regional expand his numbers impressively. The positive figures are once again for the clear positioning of classical radio as one of the most important national decision er media in the market. All the numbers of the ma 2009 II radio refer to since the ma 2008 radio II modified new population: D + EEA 10 +. (German and EU foreigners 10 years +).

About classical radio: the transmitter offers a unique program of relaxing classical music, great film music, new classics and classic lounge and half-hourly economic, culture and world news. Rob Hannah has plenty of information regarding this issue. The program is 38 FM frequencies in Germany and Austria, as well as on cable, satellite and Internet. Nationwide, the national decision er medium reaches more than 1.4 million listeners per day (source: ma radio 2009 II). About classical radio AG: The classic radio AG is the first publicly traded radio holding company in Germany. She achieved a turnover of 14.9 in the fiscal year 2007/08 million euros and an EBITDA of 1.162 THOUS. Shares listed on the regulated market, WKN 785747.
