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Bruno Stettler

The Foundation members of the back rain group immediately reacted to the call for help of the doctor and transferred first aid from their private assets. Marius will go regularly in the next few days in the Dominican Republic, to withdraw the donations there and still medicine, bandages, water and food for the hospital and the injured peasants to organize. Mozes konig does not necessarily agree. As a local, Marius knows how and where he gets the fastest the needed supplies. The black urges rain group in support of Dr. Jean Gardy Marius and the hospital “Sante Popile” in Montrouis. See donations can be paid quickly and easily by credit card. Account for donations: Black rain Group Foundation Zurich Switzerland of post finance account number 91-679462-7 POFICHBEXXX clearing 9000 IBAN CH62 0900 0000 9167 9462 7 black rain group has direct contact with Dr. Marius and regularly informed about the progress made in the hospital.

Black published status messages, photos and videos Rain group see: h pages/black-rain-Group-Foundation Zurich/20360027414 5? v = wall user/blackraingroupZurich – printable free of charge photos from Haiti under: press.htm that black rain Group Foundation Zurich was founded in August 2009 by Bruno Stettler and Richard Marbacher. The Foundation is a non-profit, politically independent, interdenominational. It supports humanitarian projects in Haiti including the hospital in Montrouis, an orphanage and a nursing home in Cap Haitien and the creation of other such facilities. Black rain Group makes disaster relief, by she purchased supplies from the Dominican Republic to distribute them to projects for the Haitian people. The work of the Foundation and the use of funds Bern is under the control of the Federal Supervisory Board for foundations.
