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Bible World

Nothing has changed in the world, except my thoughts and Nate you: the rain has suddenly turned out contrary to the ordinary, says go for a walk grow up! And in the lumina of the clouds – the sun's rays. Soon the sun declare all of their rights! And write like! And want to live. And yet you want in a gym. Knead the muscles, feel your body. Problems? But who today without any problems! We shall solve in order of importance. Well now I'm saying "We will solve …" And just recently in my life was so besprosvet! Everyone probably it happens! Thought. Strangely, no one sees our thoughts, but they paint the world around us in certain colors. All the religions of the world assert that depression is a terrible sin, but we have neither the Bible nor the Koran is not read – and therefore do not know what sadness sin.

And yet it is so. Sadness is a sin not only before God but also to society, and in front of him! It has long been known that people communicating not only get their information from the words of the interlocutor, but also because of its filling, can of liver from the intestine may be, no matter where. After all, everyone knows, came across, was held. Standing talking to a man, he sings the praises and you you know: now asks to borrow money. And you do not like his compliments, even though you know that well-deserved compliments! Even more interesting to compare his feeling of a big city with good and bad mood. When the mood good, then the world is huge and beautiful.
