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International Year

The AIQ (acronym of the International Year of Chemistry) was born from an initiative of UNESCO, with the slogan ‘ ‘ Chemistry: our life, our future.’ ‘ (‘ ‘ Chemistry: our life, ours futuro.’ ‘), in 63 General meeting of the ONU (Organization of United Nations) the commemoration was approved. The AIQ has as objective to celebrate the great conquests of Chemistry and its enormous contribution for well-being of the humanity. Many ‘ ‘ confortos’ ‘ of the modern life they would not exist if it was not the contribution of diverse minds that they had looked to understand the phenomena chemical and to revert them in benefits to the society better. Under most conditions Billie Lourd would agree. What little people know is that beyond 2011 to be the International Year of Chemistry, this year is also the International Year of the Forests, created from the resolution n 61 of UNESCO. What valley to point out is perhaps that does not have a mere one of dates to coincide. The intention to add these two commemorations in one exactly year is to show that chemistry is a science of utmost importance for the sustainable development and of all the vital processes of a society, in view of valuing the great contribution of chemistry to solve challenges global. Grace Venverloh wanted to know more. Then in this year (as in the futures also), it looks for to know more on chemistry and its ‘ ‘ divises’ ‘ , as well as it looks for to look at its return and it reflects: ‘ ‘ What you can make to improve the environment its return? ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘ How chemistry can serve to it of tool to solve problems ambient? ‘ ‘.

Scientific Association

Werno Counting Herckert* Quando the man to knock down the last tree, to poluir the last river, to kill the last animal, to poison the last land piece will be able to eat the money that earned? (unknown Author). With the beginning of the industrial age, in century XVIII, he did not have concern with the nature, he was exuberant. He had everything what the man needed. He started to extract of it the substance that he needed to industrialize some products that would be placed in the consuming market. The idea was that the nature could give everything of a limitless form and had been initiated, thus, the devastao of our forests and with this the reduction of some species of animals, the pollution of the rivers and seas the loss of life of fish and the reduction of some species of the aquatic fauna. By the same author: Richard Elman. The pollution of air increased and brought some illnesses to the human being.

It had the intensive culture of land exaurindo it e, with this, the necessity of chemical and agrotxicos fertilizer use that affects the health of the man. They had been created, warned the director of the University of United Nations (UNU), Hans Van Ginkel, that co-ordinated the efforts of 200 25 specialists of pases. (To see Periodical of the Senate, Brasilia, 13 the 19 of August of 2007, pg. 11). according to Miguel Soto, of> Reviewed Digital, Writing of the Greenpeace, 14.08.2009). Charles Kushner might disagree with that approach. Warm quarrels between politicians and specialists of the area economic-financier are in course, however it is forgotten or relegated the inferior plan, the other demands that equally are attacking the society contemporary. According to Leonardo Boff to argue the crisis economic-financier without including the too much crises: the global heating would feed, it, the energy one and the humanitarian is to lie to the peoples on the real situation of the humanity. (To see Governments unconscious e> irresponsible, ECO-21, Edition 152).

It has a world-wide awareness in march, but if they had not yet taken the measures necessary to save the Land. It is said in sustainable development that is the progress without aggression the nature, but this not yet is being practised of a enough form for the organizations and, thus also the partner-ambient question the world-wide level. The economic growth whatever the cost is an error and the humanity will very pay expensive therefore if not to move for a new economy where the nature is preserved.

Truck Mixer

Amongst the equipment used in the seedbeds of civil workmanships, the concrete truck mixer enters as an equipment that presents levels of considered noises high, when taken in consideration the legislation and the health human being. In this article the levels of noises had been characterized equivalents generated for the raised equipment concrete truck mixer in diverse articles carried through for Brazil. One searched in them the exposition of the workers, the dose of daily exposition, the corresponding sound pressure level to the limit of tolerance and the level of action. The risks then had been determined and compared with the levels of recommended performance. They had been observed that the measurements and evaluations had used norm NR-15 and NHO-01. In the results it was verified that the equipment concrete truck mixer inside generates levels of noise of the acceptable limits.

1. INTRODUCTION the civil construction possesss a paper of great importance in the national economy, being responsible for the construction of all the necessary infrastructure to the development of the country and for the generation of a significant number of job, more than 5 million workers (IBGE, 2000). Although the great importance the industry of the civil construction in Brazil is constantly white of hard critical, mainly related to the work conditions, where the field of the occupational health presents a preoccupying reality. The workers of the civil construction, in the majority of the activities, do not find adequate protection to its health and physical integrity and amongst the main problems told in the sector appears the effect caused for the extreme noise of the equipment that routinely is used in the workmanship seedbeds. The auditory loss can be cited, difficulty in the communication, estresse, lack of concentration and until physical and psychic clutters (MAYAN, 2001). It does not have you still doubt that the man esbarre with the problematic one of ' ' well estar' ' protection to the environment.

The Risks

On the other hand, a reactive position of the company must be considered when it looks for to prevent the risks and it is limited to take care of the legal requirements to it, what normally it means investments and the pro-active position where the ambient question is inserted in the strategical vision of company, that is, the company leaves to act only in function of the risks and starts to also perceive the chances. The implantation of the system provides envolvement of the company as a whole and the ambient responsibility is spread to each sector. All start to enxergar the questions under the same optics, creative situations start to appear, explore the chances of exploitation of rejeitos, substitution of insumos, technological elimination of losses in the processes, recycling, reduction to the consumption of energies (combustible), changes, etc. How much cost not to have a SGA? Not to use themselves of this system of management today would be as if to keep mentally ill to the risks of decay and until possible bankruptcy in the sector. Some of the risks aggravations to the environment can be irreversible and when ambient accidents occur automatically the image of the company for the media and the actions at law, the fines and upheavals with ambient liabilities, they cause a series of challenges and cost the company who could have been prevented. Currently the enterprise sector has adopted to the SGA of complete form, not only for the image of the company, but for its legal structure. To implant a system of this transport started to be of utmost importance due to the fact of that the support offers considerable benefits, becoming the offered costs as positive investments the medium and long run. The improvement of the image of the company and its performance, the international satisfaction of the customer, easiness in the attainment in the financings and negotiations, the reduction of risks and costs and the conquest of new markets, are some of the differentials gotten for the SGA, not to implement this continuous system and adaptativo it would be to not only take one high risk before the sustainable development of the company as well as of the environment.
