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Johannes Gutenberg University

Until 31 October, companies can benefit from attractive early book discounts. “Excellent customer relationships in an environment of saturated markets and always more homogeneous products in particular are increasingly gaining importance: this need save not to fear the increasingly cut-throat competition, companies in acquisition costs and stabilize their income”, so Roman Becker, Scientific Director of the competition “German of customer champions”. The consistent service and customer orientation is a key opportunity for German companies to position themselves successfully in the world market. The competition offers the opportunity, through the receipt of the seal visible from your company Competition to differentiate and win at the same time substantiated information on the State of your customer-oriented processes. The initiators forum! Market research from Mainz, Germany, and the German Association for quality (DGQ) from Frankfurt – pay tribute to outstanding customer relationship management as a key factor for the success of the competition. The renowned competition is supported by a strong network of partners, which include Gesellschaft zur Zertifizierung von Managementsystemen (DQS), the German post office and management circle among the Germans. Further information: all companies domiciled in Germany can participate in the competition with at least ten employees.

The size of the company, nor the nature of the business relationship (business or consumer) are doing crucial. Further information and registration details are retrievable under. Registration deadline is December 31, 2010 keynote forum!: forum! ( was founded in 1996 as a founder of owner-managed market research and consulting firm headquartered in Mainz. With the two subsidiaries forum! Market research, as well as forum! Marketing and communications consultancy is forum! specializing in the analysis and optimization of business relationship management. With the excellence Barometer (, the nationally recognised benchmark study on the performance of the German economy, has a forum! Market research together with the German society for quality e.V.

(DGQ) as one who is a few institutes in Germany own basic research among the success factors of relationship management. Also the close link to the Institute of journalism of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz stands for the timeliness and innovation in terms of established research models and techniques. With the nationwide competition of Germany customer champions “( forum is looking for!” Market research together with the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) companies with the best customer relationships. With the competition, the initiators aim to establish a benchmarking for quality of customer relationship management and to reward exemplary customer orientation in Germany. Forum! Organizers of the annual Mainz relationship management Congress, the aim of which is to impart knowledge relating to the business relationship management decision-makers from the economy of the theory about the analysis to the implementation continues. Forum! features an interview Center in Mainz with a specialization in managing B2B studies and international studies.
