The Guarantee

The use of the artificial insemino is subjects to the economic analysis for the rocking between its advantages and disadvantages in relation to the sum natural. They are listed as advantages of the application of WENT on the sum natural the following points: The elimination of preferential acasalamento; the reproduction of commercial ancestries of sum difficult or impossible; a lesser number of males (reduction of 7-10% for 2-3%); the increase of the descent of the males of high genetic value; rise in the fertility levels, is possible to compensate falls in the espermtica quality and the capacity of storage of the female for the increase of concentration of the dose and the number of inseminations, beyond the guarantee of that all the females had been inseminated; reduction in the costs of feeding in 10 the 20; possibility to increase the productive capacity of the existing installations already; increase in the incubveis egg percentage next to 2%, for to the clean egg increase; possible increase final weight chicken (BAHR; JONHSON, 1991). As disadvantages of IT WENT we can cite the necessity of initial investments in installations, equipment and training of man power; demand, and cost of specialized man power. Collection of smemAntes to collect the semen of the animal, is praised to carry through the cut of the penalties around of the cloaca not to intervene with the collection of the semen. The animal in the legs and the birds, another person must itself be contained to carry through the massage for the collection. This massage dorsal consists of the rank of the parallel fingers the vertebral column, carrying through parallel movements it, providing to a pressure at the beginning of the wing you the region of the cloaca (MILK; FISHERIES, 2009). After erection I say of it, can be massagear soft parts of the abdomen in the same felt of the dorsal massage, finishing with the indicating finger located in the inferior part and the thumb in the superior part of the cloaca.

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