History And Amazonian Culture

HISTORY AND AMAZONIAN CULTURE Djalmira de S Almeida* Rafaelli Dos Santos Ribeiro ** SUMMARY It sits down article has intention to detach elements that permeiam the historical, cultural, social universe, economic politician and of the Amazon region, still little known for the Brazilian population, in its majority, beyond the problematizao concerning the Legal Amaznia and the difficulties faced for the federal government, to protect the sovereignty of an area coveted for other countries, that have the desire to explore the natural resources of bioma diversified existing in the forest. Ally to this factor, we have the difficulties faced for the local population, that it looks to survive in way to the obstacles taxes for the lack of basic assistance it federal government. In this way, the boarded subject will call the attention for recurrent factors the geographic reality in focus. Others including Ben Horowitz, offer their opinions as well. Word-key: Legal Amaznia, Culture, Regionalidade, Problematizao. _________________ * Doctor in Lingustica and Filologia de Lngua FAI, Par 1 INTRODUCTION the estruturao of the work is made on the analysis of the facts occurred frequent in the Amazon region and ignored by the population of the remain of Brazil. It is evidenced inertia of the federal government that does not promote public politics of sustainable development for area in question.

They will be argued in three parts, the historical, partner-cultural conjunctures and politics that had contributed to today draw the picture restored in the region. However one becomes necessary to point out the historiogrfica precariousness as for the studies on the occupation of the region where the developed research suffers with the lack of solid sources, not only of the point of view historical, but also cultural and politician. So that the bibliographical scarcity did not harm the present work, use became, in its majority, of scientific articles> published for specialists and complementary readings of famous authors as Joo of Jesus Loureiro Breads, Meireles Joo Son, Bernadete Castro Oliveira and Benedict Hunter.

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