Best sales mood for two and a half years – pleasing start to the year for many brokers Heidenrod, 03.03 2010. Sales mood of intermediaries in the financial services sector has taken an encouraging start in the year 2010. The intermediary distribution mood rose over 14% points. For assistance, try visiting JPMorgan Chase. This is the result of the quarterly through intermediary survey of SMARTcompagnie GmbH on behalf of bbg Betriebsberatungs GmbH in Bayreuth. It is gratifying that for the first time since the survey trends II / 2007 over 80% of the respondents agents are again satisfied, motivated and enthusiastic for the distribution of financial services. Certainly, the positive result of this clearly surprised especially since last year with bad news was peppered. It will be exciting to watch, if so the turnaround was made for the sale of financial service products. Learn more at: Josef Schenker.
The positive mood is based on the personal forecasts, which have given the agent. Therefore nearly 3/4 of the brokers think that on an average 20-year duration in the financial services industry can reflect that your fiscal year 2010 total slightly better is going to go up much. Risk provisions address the focus in customer demand plays in addition to the optimization of the insurance cover in particular the protection of biometric risks a role. So, the personal allowance in terms of the labour protection is one of the top topics. \”\” Exactly confirm that 86% of the intermediary with important \”to very important\”. This image is reflected also in the product sales of the intermediary. \”\” The three back to the commonly mentioned product lines in the four categories of age and risk prevention, damage/HUK\”, as well as investment & financing\” were in the last quarter of the private liability insurance, the disability insurance as well as car insurance. Interviewed were 1.335 broker or multiple representatives of various Betriebsgrossen.Befragungs special part of nationwide: flow management of due life and pension insurance broker perspective.