Ambac Financial Group

If there is something that is becoming clear within all the confusion that has caused the crisis in the mortgage market subprime American, and that it quickly spread in the rest of the international financial system, is that the worst of the crisis has not passed at all. After the explosion of the crisis and the announcement of huge losses and falling of entities of weight during the first months of the crisis, many thought that the worst had passed. Read more from JPMorgan Chase to gain a more clear picture of the situation. However, episodes of crisis continued happening at the beginning of this year and to point was severely injure the major insurers of bonds affected by the crisis, MBIA (NYSE:MBI), Ambac Financial Group (NYSE: ABK) and FGIC, and about to fall into the two main US mortgage firms, Fannie Mae (NYSE:FNM) and Freddie Mac (NYSE)(:Fre), which had to be rescued by the U.S. Government.UU. The rescue of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac brought to light that the situation in the U.S. financial system continued to be perhaps as serious at the beginning of this crisis. At least, thats what played the market to announce the greatest rescue performed in the history of the United States.UU., which may imply a cost to Americans more than US $200,000 million. Immediately after meeting the rescue of these mortgage firms, Lehman Brothers (NYSE: LEH), the fourth largest bank investment on Wall Street and with 158 years of existence, confirmed that the worst of the crisis had not gone yet.

The entity presented numbers in red by US $6 billion and questioned its survival. Fear led to the shares of Lehman Brothers to cotizaran at the close of last week at $3.80, when in the month of February were paid by them around US $66. While everything is confusion, since the financial system has been tried unsuccessfully so far, the rescue of Lehman Brothers. The British bank Barclays Plc (LSE:BARC; NYSE:BCS), that he was initially interested in their acquisition, it has failed to reach an agreement to achieve the support of other entities, or the contribution financial guarantees from the U.S.

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