
An agitated life nor always allows that let us lunch with our family during the week, therefore when the week end arrives, and mainly, the sunday, who goes for the kitchen likes to caprichar e, therefore, almost always it decides to prepare something special. It can be bacalhoada, one strognoff, nhoque to the bolonhesa, or any another plate that is of the affability of all. In cases as this, the dessert also is special, being able to be one simple pav, frozen cake, pie of chocolate, pudding, that is, the possibilities are infinite. Nor always the people like to eat the dessert after the main meal, therefore pav can be for later, for the hour of the snack, being able, also, being folloied by drinks. It is clearly that drink is only accompaniment for pav, that is, nobody goes to exaggerate in the dose of margarita, Cuba libre, caipirinha, dry martini, hi fi, brandy, among others. You can prepare pav and drink in its proper house and later serving its family or to invite friends, familiar fellow workers or to try its endows culinrios. The prescriptions are easy, fast and practical to be done, and any person can venture itself in the kitchen, until who does not have privacy with pans.

if you do not know nehuma prescription, then she consults culinria books or she searches in the Internet. She has some types of pav to be facts, but of chocolate it is practically a unamimity. However, if you will be an exception you can choose other flavors as coconut, maracuj, lemon, strawberry, cream, with damson plum, with sighs, among others pavs. With certainty, you pav will find one that it pleases to its palate and the one of its family. It has also the possibility to vary the coverings. if to find that it can create pav with new flavors, dares, tries, and shows that its you endow culinrios goes very beyond what the people imagined. Although to say muto in pav, you know the origin of this dessert. Good, traditional pav as we know today comes there of France (, ' ' pav' ' it means floor or floor, that is, ' ' pav' ' it comes to pave, to cover with layers).

is accurately this that is pav: a done pie in layers that can take biscuits of entire the maisenha type or champagne. Pav, obviously, must be served frozen, being able to be placed in refractory goblets or. Thus, it is not an excellent idea to prepare delicious pav for the dessert, or then to be degustado by its children, husband, familiar or friends? Then, it does not lose time. In the next lunch to sunday, capriche and surprises its familiar ones with a delicious dessert. With certainty, them they will go to like and to approve.

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