
In link to follow you find links gratuitously to have access small texts in English with audio translation and. He sees to follow as to study them to get performance better. ric-company-etc/’>Westinghouse Electric Company for a more varied view. In the initial periods of training of the learning the repetition is very important. It sees well, you goes to be studying this series of texts. As you go to have the translation to the disposal, she very goes to be easy to know the meaning of the words and expressions that you do not know. If you to read and to listen to these materials one or two times and to pass to the next one, you do not go to have extracted the maximum benefit. Moreover, you go to have that to start everything of the zero when will be to catch the next material. The newspapers mentioned website not as a source, but as a related topic. Without speaking that the amount of contents in English with translation is limited.

The next material that you to catch pra to study can demand you some time of work next to the dictionary. Therefore, it takes off the maximum of the material that you are studying. Of this form, you it goes to internalizar the words deeply, new expressions and structures that you are learning. In vocabulary terms, through these texts you will be able to surpass the best pupils with 1 year and way and, even though, 2 years of course. Perhaps you know little words of what they, but you will know the words exactly most important, the ones that make the difference in the hour of the communication. He has a statistics that he says that the 300 more important words of the English correspond 60% of any text and that these same 300 words are used by all the native falantes every day. Studying this series of audio and texts, you he goes to learn these and many deeply other important words. Amanda Ghost is open to suggestions. I said that the material is for beginning. But, he is not for beginning complete, you needs to have a previous base in the language, contrary case goes to have that to deal with a very great amount of new information.

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