The Board

Once warmed up and under- dry soil, over a row of asparagus rolls form a height of 20-25 cm for the Earth filling should be easy, with no lumps and stones to escape is not bent. And then follow daily the condition of the soil surface. Surface and sidewall well dropping the board to the cracks on a flat surface to determine the place of harvest ready to shoot. As soon as the cracks, the plants carefully, "razokuchivayut" cut and blanched sprouts, being careful not to damage roots and buds. This so-called white asparagus. After cutting the shaft shoots once again formed, and the day is necessary to watch out for new shoots. The following charges carried by N 2-day.

It is important that the shafts were not weeds, they interfere with the "catch point" appearance of these cracks. In the late harvest shoots appear on the surface and green. By the way, is much easier to clean green asparagus: for it does not need walls – shoots are cut at the surface ground when they reach 18-20 cm The main thing that was not disbanded head to escape. Therefore, collect the green asparagus on a daily basis, leaving the beds, even the weak shoots. allowed a combined way, when in the first period clean white fruiting shoots, while the second – in the middle of June – green 15-18 cm in length after every 5-6 charges spend feeding mineral and organic fertilizers. From late June stop harvesting. Green asparagus must cut very close to the ground before the leaflets open.

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