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Fill Out Surveys

Fill out surveys and earn money can be one of the most popular ways of making money online. Marc Lasry is often quoted on this topic. It is an easy way of earning a little extra money by completing a few surveys per week. These are very popular because they are easy to do and anyone can do them. Companies are looking for opinions and everyone has an opinion. Besides that they are popular it has practical purposes in the business. There are always companies that are doing some kind of market research. THE internet is a channel that very frequently used for this purpose. It is much more economical for them to carry out this process through the internet rather than in the physical world.

Normal would be riding some kind of local in some Mall and start searching for people who want to fill out the surveys on physical paper. All this represents a major cost to the company, particularly when mass surveys are required. Simply using the advantages provided by the internet, these companies are able to reduce their costs significantly, and have the luxury to reward you for your time, thanks to these savings. The first thing you have to do is walk through the internet seeing as they are the to fill out surveys and earn money in general. Before register it is good to review the entire site, make sure it is well built and has all the information you need. The site must have a privacy policy, do not want to sell your information to scammers. You should check if you have a section of questions and answers as well as an email address.

You must write to them and ask them some questions to see how they respond and how long it takes to respond. Do not sign with them if they do not answer your email and give you support and instructions. To begin to fill out paid surveys and earn money in the easiest way possible, please Click here.

National Housing Bank

The housing savings is a requirement that the applicant for a loan must comply with the resources of the housing policy. To comply with the requirement of the housing savings, the worker, either dependent or independent, owner of company or professional, must provide a percentage of their monthly income to housing policy law. The housing savings is three percent of the full income received monthly and the contributory base of the housing policy Act. In the case of dependent workers, housing savings will be provided by the worker and the employer and be taken as contributory base of the housing policy Act, all monthly collected revenues forming part of full pay, such as holiday bonuses, utilities, fees, hours extras, etc. It will not form part of the full pay, for the purpose of housing savings, non-recurring payments or payment by concept of power bonus. In this case no payment will be part of the quotation of the housing policy Act by basket ticket. This housing savings amount must be deposited in the first five working days of each month in a special account in the mandatory savings fund for housing (faov).

On the other hand, in the case of self-employed workers, housing savings will be voluntary, i.e., according to the law on housing policy, so an independent worker sees is benefited with credits of housing policy, voluntarily must enroll in the National Housing Bank and Habitat (Banavih). The volunteer worker must be considered for housing savings, the three percent of their income, this being the basis of quotation of the housing policy Act, and shall deposit the respective housing savings in a special account corresponding to the Fund’s voluntary savings for housing (favv) in the first five days of each month. The housing savings will be available for full or partial payment for the purchase of main house, as well as the extension, remodelling and self-construction of property, refinancing or payment of mortgage credits according to the housing policy. The housing savings will be refunded when the worker is beneficiary of retirement, old age, invalidity or disability pension unless it expresses its willingness to continue contributing to the housing policy law. Saving housing of each contributor worker to the compulsory savings for Housing Fund, may be subject to partial or total cession in the terms established by law of housing policy.

Housing saving allows the worker requesting a credit for housing policy which will be determined according to the contributory base of the housing policy Act up to a maximum amount of Bs. 271.858 for people earning income up to seven thousand bolivares. In the event that the worker earn up to two thousand six hundred bolivars a month, it may be a direct housing subsidy. The housing savings is a solution of the housing policy for families of fewer resources and whose contributory base of the housing policy Act is considered to design an eminently social housing policy.
