The process of planning of activity of the company, as well as the plan of the achievement of the planned indicators are produced through such forms.The decomposition of the objectives of the company to the operational plan of subdivisions and the staff is produced by the legislative and compliance of mutual goals. The tasks are focused on the achievement of the planned number, and can be divided into the given number of the executor. The technologically multidimensional forms can perform the following functions: manual input of planned and actual data; automated acquisition of the output data from the existing company tax systems; Calculation of the indicators; Presentation of the reports; automatic notification of any event (for example, through the achievement of any code or the need for the presentation of the report) regulations the planning processes, agreement and statement of KPIs, regulating the processes of reporting according to the planned Key performance indicators; Taking into account the actual achievement of the alleged key performance indicators; Automation of management according to the variations in the plan with the singling out of controlled and uncontrolled indicators; logical control between the indicators of correlations. The tree formed by the multidimensional forms the KPIs granted the resources planning and analysis: planning: it selects the necessary code, and their meanings are scheduled be set. The data is entered directly by the multidimensional form. On the specified code performs the following tasks: formation of arbitrary reports (turning of the multidimensional cube); Function of drill-down; Educational trends; multidimensional collations; graphic representations. It is possible partially to restrict access to the multidimensional form, for example, to hide the model of calculation and to use it solely as algorithm of calculations as a “Black Box”.