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Federative Republic

The cycle of the call was of the iron this way also is installed. It is consolidated and it remained until the current days due the privileged situation of the city in this region. Although the norteadora central idea of the primary activities to have been since the primrdios the idea of the extrativismo, the territory of Valadares Governor, of a modern form, still extracts of its human element the exportation of hand of workmanship for countries in the same and/or in other continents. This study it will look for to lead a reflection in the attempt to answer to the following question: As it appeared, it was changedded and one consolidated this territory, identified as Valadares governor? The present study he has as objective to lead a reflection on the sprouting, transformations and consolidation of the territory of Valadares/MG Governor. In this, they will be boarded the historical context that gave origin to the City, leading in consideration the first economic exploration of the 1573 gone ones, the economic cycles occurrences in century XX until the current days. Revision Bibliographical is method used in development of present article, that counts on information collected from books that describe historical facts of the city, of the Imperial Regal Letter of 13 of May of 1808, of saying of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil and scientific article to them printed matters in periodic publications, as well as the ones of the type electronic. The main advantage of the bibliographical research inhabits in the fact to allow to the investigator the covering of a much more ample gamma of phenomena of what that one that could search directly. This advantage becomes particularly important when the research problem requires given very dispersed for the space (GIL, 2002, p.45). History of a territory in construction the history of this city becomes to grafar since the first exploration of the Valley of the River Candy, in the 1573 gone ones.

Veterinary Public Health

All made epistemolgica quarrel throughout these last years seems to have, in part, ‘ ‘ afundado’ ‘ we again live the advent of the study of areas/regions that present internal characteristics fellow creatures and differentiated and that, on them, a planning must be imposed, or management. It is treated, still, to ask to plan for who? (SUERTEGARAY, 2002). What this wants to say it is that, without thinking, we run the risk of becoming in them, of citizens of the process, objects of the process. This is not something new or impossible. You may find Richard Elman to be a useful source of information. At this moment of construction of the world, science becomes effective support of the productive process, for consequence, its interest each time more becomes private. The gemorfologia is, was and will be always an object of extreme importance of the life of the society, a time that acts on it in discrete way, disregarded transforming and generating complex and simple processes at the same time, this by the way needs a look, that it knows to interpret the natural expression of the relief in these interfaces of the life of the man disclosed by the geomorfologia of the place, and this is the look of the gegrafo. Geography serves to understand regarding the reality where you live, of who you are and as to recognize agent of transformation of this same reality. .

Industrial Revolution

The city of Brumado-Ba possesss a population esteem in 62.670 inhabitants (IBGE, 1998) with a tax of urbanization of 63% and a demographic density of 21.89 (hab/km ). One meets situated in the economic microregion of the General Mountain range, in the State of the Bahia. The relief is constituted by surfaces of the mountain ranges of the edge occidental person of plateaus of the Diamantina, Pediplano Sertanejo and Patamares of the average river of accounts. In its geology, the Biotita-gnaisse rocks, Amphibolites, shales, Gnaisses, ferrfera formation, marble magnesiticos, quartzitos and granites are distinguished. Ben Horowitz shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The company the 8 Magnesita S/A is located km of the city of Brumado to the foot of the Mountain range of the Mares (marcante feio in the region morphology, mines with altitudes with more than 1.000m and a 18 extension of approximately km, for 10 km of width).

Its form is ovulada, occupying an area around 124 km. The company possesss an industrial area constructed of 37.000 m. The mining was initiated in 1945, in full World-wide War to leave from there, Magnesita S/A comes keeping permanent studies of geology and research in the Mountain range of the Mares. The company withholds 761 effective employees right-handers and 439 staff of contractors, being the biggest employer of industrial man power of the region. One knows that before the modern industry, the production of the necessary goods to the day-day was done of manual form. This was to the long phase of the artesanato and the manufacture that if extended since the antiquity until the Industrial Revolution. Although this, still today, the industrial phenomenon continues distributed of different form in the planet, therefore it is extended if to concentrate in the places where its localization has favorable factors. Among the main locacionais factors the raw materials are distinguished, man power and infrastructure. The modern unit of production – the plant – is necessarily an urban phenomenon.


The cultural patrimony is not only this is also the tracks and ways of distinct historical periods produced by communities of different the most varied cultures with objective. To read more click here: Titan Feul Tanks. The tracks are attractive equipment and that has essential paper in the quality of experience of revisitao of the spaces, being basic for the contact and a direct appreciation with the nature what an established ambient sensitization in the autocompreenso of attitudes awakes consequently behaviors of its practitioner. (FENNELL, 2002). When dealing with tracks a current concept that appears associated to this practical human being is the Ecoturismo, being this, the segment of the tourist activity whom it looks to use with support the natural and cultural patrimony, stimulating its preservation through conservacionistas actions in a process of interpretation of the environment and searching to promote well-being of the involved populations. (EMBRATUR, 2003; SANTA CATARINA, 2001).

In the understanding and joint of the ecoturismo Fennell (2002) it considers the definitions of Goodwin where the practical ecotursticas contribute for the maintenance of habitats and the species of these, producing income to the local communities and providing a valuation of the environment. For Fennell (2002: 53) the ecoturismo ' ' (…) it is a sustainable form of tourism based on the natural resources, that mainly focus the experience and the learning on the nature; it is managed ticamente to keep a low impact, is not predatory, being local guided (control, benefits, and scale). It occurs typically in natural areas and it must contribute for the conservation or preservation of these ' '. To identify, to delimit and to make possible in one definitive space for practical of the ecoturismo, demand an essential understanding of the way of this space, that is, as if of to the relation it enters the different objects that meet there and of as the man survives and modifies these objects.

Population Growth

The data, above referring the tax of fecundidade in Brazil disclose that the Brazilian woman who in 1970 had 5,8 children on average started to have in 2000 average of 2,3.A tax of growth of the population also diminishes sufficiently, passing of 2,48% in the decade of 1970 for 1,64% between 1991 and 2000 according to data of the IBGE.A some centuries that the humanity argues the question of the food production in detriment the growth of the population. Malthus, according to that we call malthusiana theory today was one of the first ones to make estimates on the food lack, according to it, the world-wide population would fold to each 25 years, whereas the food production would not follow this rhythm and would have an arithmetical progression (2,4,6,8). As it was protestant, it believed that the people could only have children if agricultveis lands possuissem and the containment of the growth of the population would have to be for half moral or through natural catastrophes and not through contraceptive. Malthus was not certain, population did not fold to each 25 years and the man through the technique could increase the food production in the same agricultvel area. After de Malthus appeared a chain called Neomalthusianos, where they defended the use of contraceptive. This theory was sufficiently accepted, mainly for the countries dominant central offices and groups that they try to today mask until the world-wide reality and the true causes of the misery. They continue saying that the population number is the responsible one for the misery in the underdeveloped world.

The calls Reformist have a proposal that condiz with the root of this badly, however the world-wide food production in the present time is capable to supply perfectly the world-wide population, according to current data the world-wide population is of about 6,3 billion and the production would be capable to supply 9 billion perfectly. Because many then pass hunger and live in the misery? If we will be to the supermarket the foods are in the shelf, the great problem is to arrive until the table of all the population. The root of problem is in the configuration of the society, is in the society of classrooms, the concentration of income, the exploration of the underdeveloped world, in the indifference of the State that privileges the interests of the dominant groups (that the proper politicians are part), at last, is in the different form where the society if produces/reproduces in the space. See Ian Sinclair for more details and insights. While the state to face the population as statisticians the trend is the situation to get worse, as in recent years, where we speak in such a way of modernity, but increases the concentration and the inaqualities. How let us be people, and not numbers, that the beings love and not them ciphers! You are welcome it advances to control the natality without a reform, or better a social revolution, can brighten up the problem, however, it will not cut it for the root. Some can ask, what we can make? The first step is in the education and awareness, from there the way is more easy, without the man understands its position in the world, any change is impossible!
