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Iperbrs Company

But still it has much that to make, after all a company to grow must be in constant transformation, adding value in the attendance, adding something more in sales catalogues, perfectioning of employees, everything what it will have of new the company must search to leave in the front, and to leave to be successful. Historical evolution of the company In 1997, is born the Perfilsul company Aluminum, established for two brothers, Robert and Joo Trintin, who had perceived the chance to extend its businesses through distribution of the products industrialized for the Iperbrs Aluminum, company where also they are partners. In innovation search they had decided to implant a system of sales known as ready-delivery, in which they used nine F-4 pickup trucks. 000 for distribution of the materials in the states of the Paran, Santa Catarina and So Paulo. With the time, they had perceived that the sales were giving so certain that the ready-delivery was not only being more sufficient. Then, in the year of 1999, the Perfilsul already did not have the ready-delivery as its only canal of sales. Some representatives in diverse regions of the country had been contracted to extend the covering of the deliverer.

As he had another competing company in the market appeared a great problem, therefore the competitor implanted a system of televendas of its products, due to rapidity and the easiness for the negotiations conquering customers of the Iperbrs company, shaking all the other companies of the branch. With this the Perfilsul started to have problems with loses of some customers who had started to migrar for this another company. Ahead of the difficulties and the reinforcement of the competitors, the company thought seriously about locking up its activities. Through a meeting she appeared to the idea to contract experienced salesmen for implantation of sales in the company, initiated then a great transformation in all the company from 2005 with the reduction of vehicles of promply delivery and dismissal of representatives, act of contract of more three news employees to work with sales for the telephone.

Valuation Today

INTRODUCTION To keep the competitiveness in high today is a permanent challenge for all the companies. In the businesses of today, the true value of the organizations nor always keeps only relation with its physical patrimonial value, but also it is associated with its composed intellectual capital for the people who in them work. Thus, to deal with people as its true bank intelligence is, as if it could say, optimum and more income-producing of the investments. Perhaps the only investment that already comes with previsibility tax, that is, the company that will have optimum bank of intelligence and to use it as object of its strategical management, will have its guaranteed survival and its maturity. Any is known that is the branch, its size or its localization, the companies today is come across with great challenges in the businesses that, in set, they require that the organizations develop new capacities, end to win them as: globalization, profitability by means of the growth, technology, intellectual capital and constant change. Therefore, the present study it has the objective to demonstrate through the approach of some authors, the importance of the valuation of the people inside of the modern organizations and its effect taking itself in account the results gotten with this form of management.

It is also considered to show something complex and still very controversial how much to its recognition, but one does not add existing new facts to already and the boarded ones until the moment. One also reveals in this work through the searched authors, the results gotten in some companies who using this form of management of valuation of the people, had discovered that discovered occult values in common people exist, who arise with business-oriented strategies that are in accordance with the expectations of them. In such a way, it is possible to notice that the collaborators exert a basic paper for the success of the organizations, but this to happen is necessary to guarantee that these are in enough number, well trained, motivated and compromised with the intentions of the organization.

Union Intermunicipal

According to Vergara (2005, P. 47), the research descriptive displays characteristic of definitive population or of determined phenomenon. It can establish correlations between 0 variable and also define its nature. It does not have commitment to explain the phenomena that it describes, even so these serve of base for such explanation. How much to the used ways of inquiry, the research is bilbiogrfica and of field. Typically, the field study it focuses a community, that is not necessarily geographic, since it can be a community of work, study, leisure or directed toward any another activity human being.

In the field study, the researcher carries through most of the work personally, therefore a direct experience with the study situation is emphasized the importance of the researcher to have had he himself (GIL, 2007, P. 53). How much to the studied companies, these are part of the Polar region Moveleiro de Ub – MG, that started with small marcenarias that had had the initiative to manufacture furniture to supply the necessities of the home. In accordance with the INTERSIND – Union Intermunicipal of the Industries of Marcenaria de Ub and Region – (2002), the moveleiras industries of the Polar region had had its start have 8 decades more than. The city of Ub, together with others eight neighboring cities (Guiricema, Guidoval, Piraba, River Dove, Rodeiro, Are Geraldo, Tocantins and Visconde of the Rio Branco), form the main moveleiro polar region of Minas Gerais. This is formed, in its majority, for micron and small industries and makes of the sector the main economic activity of the region the most important collector of taxes. About 20 a thousand jobs indirect right-handers and they are generated in approximately 400 companies who are part of the polar region, however the number of companies of the sector, only in the city of Ub, is superior the 500 companies.

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