Mortgage Lending In The Czech Republic

Mortgages available in the Czech Republic, real, profitable, while it is highly efficient and low cost-in registration. Speed of processing allows a foreigner to buy property quickly to get his own residence in Czech Republic and get a residence permit in the Czech Republic. For registration of mortgages in the Czech Republic does not need to show income from the Czech employer, is sufficient to produce revenues from Russia or other cis countries or the world. If foreign citizen has the opportunity to show personal income in the Czech Republic can expect to issue one hundred percent mortgage, with no initial capital – it is very important. Annual rate mortgage in the Czech Republic at the time article is an average of 5, and 7% per annum. Bank when considering income from abroad (Russia / CIS) covers up to 85% of the value of the property.

Alien enough to have 15% equity, opportunity paperwork from the employer in the homeland and the desire to purchase a home, land or apartment. Mortgages in the Czech Republic for foreigners is only available when the contract of mortgage lending in the legal face, where the alien is a founder. Registering a company in the Czech Republic, a foreigner can expect to purchase real estate, obtaining residence permits in the Czech Republic and getting a mortgage to buy their own homes. Acquire the object Property foreigner may on the basis of even a short term visa, enter the country on tourist or business visa.

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