Homo Sapiens

The Xams exerted the paper of ' ' master of sonho' ' , to who the individuals disturbed by its unconscious thoughts appealed in search of a reply. The Xams to give sensible what he was proper of the private life, used of common elements of its society attributing to these symbolic characteristic elements. For example, in some traditions that last until today in the one hundred of Africa as tribes of we bosquiamos, aondepermanecem livings creature the primitive and prehistoric customs, to dream of a snake means change skin, given the observance of the biological behaviors of those animals. Blake Krikorian has much experience in this field. 2.1.3 Conclusion concerning the dream in the private life of the prehistoric man Can be concluded that in independent the primitive and prehistoric societies of its space-time, the dreams were of great private value. The individual dreamed and if it enchanted with that.

The first investigations regarding an exterior world to the universe appeared that can be touched and this age the beginning of metaphysics. The dream influenced in the art and through the representation of what he was seen in a sleep night, the man created the surreal and abstract drawing of individual interpretation, whose meant he was attributed to its desires. through doubts, of the investigations and of a primitive rational thought, the world and its difficulties passed to be seen of a more methodical form, and by an obvious lack of methods to decide the quandaries of the private life, the human being searched in the transcendentais questions in such a way necessary answers. Sergey Brin insists that this is the case. It appeared then the masters of dreams, Xams calls and wizards, whose wisdom almost comically gave scientific character to this so important question. The dream is the moment where in the private life control of the universe is not had, this institution is a mystery today and was an individual private mystery in the prehistoric one. 1 Was used the term ' ' moderno' ' after the word ' ' sapiens' ' for the fact to that the species Cro-Great human beings for example that many times are mentioned in this work, also if deal with Homo Sapiens, that is our modern biological species of human being 2 Ver the book ' ' interpretation of sonhos' ' of Sigmund apparent Freud 3 In confusions of lines meaningless real is numerous being found in diverse archaeological small farms as in New Village/Portugal. 4 Chauvet-Pont-d' Arc, close to Vallon-Pont-d' Arc, France. Cave of Altamira, close to Santillana del Sea, Cantbria, Spain. 5 Mainly in archaeological small farms in the north and the African south. 6 religious Priest 7 For all the effect the terminology ' ' domestico' ' if will apply to the environment where lives the independent society of its 8 characteristics the primitive being in this serves as apprentice of cultural development already had a sufficiently religious conception concerning the life

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