Cavitation Equipment

Call us: 030 76 21 32 02 body shape Center Berlin offer easy-good. Invest in medical wellness! \”Medical wellness\”, the trend of the times. Bring your Studio/practice on the cutting edge of technology. Body shape Center is probably the most complete health and wellness concept on the market! Many customers want to stay of course healthy and in form. But they do not achieve the desired results despite diet and sporty use. Ultrasound is the solution! The combination of ultrasound and nutrition leads to extraordinary results.

This pleasantly relaxing procedure gives a visible reduction of excess body fat and disturbing cellulite already with the first application. The multi-well Cellsonic allows for handling, with the help of ultrasonic heads, which are applied to these zones, specifically to massage the deposit at depth. This fat particles are mobilized and removed about lymphatic and blood vessels. Reconstructs the tissue, the skin becomes firm, the reduction is immediately measurable. Skin, Nerves and organs are not affected. Benefit concept from the variability of the body form Center.

Applications of body form Center concept body analysis; Ohmniscan is a key factor in the nutrition the BIA measurement. Here, it is exactly checked if you really break down fat and lose not only water or muscle mass. A conventional scale can make no statement about. Also, your nutritional status is so regularly. Ohmniscan NG is a fully digital, phase-sensitive 4-channel instrument for the bio-impedance analysis (BIA). On all four channels, Ohmniscan NG at 50 kHz AC frequency measures the resistive resistance (RZ), the capacitive resistance of XC and the phase angle (PA) with high precision. Ultrasound;Cellsonic device working Cellsonic with low-frequency ultrasonic waves in the range of 30 kHz low frequency ultrasound is a safe and painless method, which, combined with drainage, it makes it possible to treat the most stubborn fat deposits. The technique of low frequency ultrasound works its way through the adipositose tissue.

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