Brief Glossary NETWORK

A brief glossary of the networks or the most basic concepts found on the website ITPuzzle in the "Computer Network" … (installation of computer networks, installation of SCS, installation LAN)! What is the difference between these concepts … First, a little theory … Computer networks (computer networks) – a set of computers connected by communication channels into a single system. Depending on the location of subscriber systems information networks can divided into three main classes: global networks, regional networks, local area networks. Global Network – brings together customers, located in different countries, different continents pas. The interaction among the users of the network may be based on telephone lines, radio and satellite communication systems.

WAN will solve the problem of integration of information resources of humanity and the organization Access to these resources. Regional Network – brings together customers, situated at a considerable distance from each other within the limits of the city, the economic region of a country. The usual distance between subscribers tens-hundreds of kilometers. Local Area Network (LAN) – combines the subscribers located within a small area, usually no more than 2-2.5 km. Structured Cabling System (SCS) – a complex structure consisting from cables, connectors, crossover and switching equipment that combines offices and buildings in a common information space. This structure may include a LAN, phone network, network surveillance, as well as television networks. One of the main features of the realized qualitative network is its invisibility to the user, ie the user can use the resources of SDR, but it does not interfere with his work, it is recommended to the use of cable channels, wall outlets, as well as elements of CU hiding under false ceilings or raised floor.

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