Aims Statute

It cannot come in damage of the dividendoobrigatrio (art.198), it cannot exceed the capitalsocial (art.198) and could only be used nashipteses of art.200. Reservaespecial – not being satisfactory the situaofinanceira, in the social exercise, of the company, and administraoisto to inform to a.G., so that they are not distribudosdividendos obligator. In the Cias. it will providnciadever opened it to be communicated to the C.V.M., in 5 days of realizaoda a.g., with justified exposition. Such absorbed seroregistrados profits as legal reserve and not being porprejuzos in subsequent exercises, to deveroser paid as shares, so soon allow the situaofinanceira it of the company. SHARES art.201 and segs.

The share a profit parcel that corresponds to each action. Liquid Olucro of the cia., verified for the balanocontbil, during the social exercise settled in estatutoe distributed the shareholders, in view of the actions, consists in share. The statute can in accordance with be fixed ouvarivel. Generally calculado having for base the capital. Not if pagadividendos in damage of the capital stock – according to Requio – the integrity of this, as we know, constitutes right absolute norm emnosso.

Bonanza, in the case of aespreferenciais, it admits the law, that the when cumulative shares, are paid in the exercise where the profit will be insufficient, conta of the capital reserve, constrituda as art.182, 1 (5, art.17). Dividendosintermedirios – the company that for force of lie, as inst. finaceiras, or for disposioestatutria, uprising semester rocking, to poderdistribuir shares to the account of the refined profit in them, if to assimdeliberarem the administration agencies. It can, also, the statute, to authorize the agencies deadministrao to declare obligator shares, to the account of accumulated profits or reserves of lucrosexistentes in the last annual statement or semester. – art.204 Pagamentodo share – to search – simple substance – art.205 DividendosObrigatrios – art.202 – Aims at proteodas shareholding minorities. The cadacia statute.

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