Articles from: March 2018

Markeb Jupiter

It is then it will have a classic for the 12th house of interest in yoga and Kabbalah, and in the beginning – the only success! In fact, interest in the occult and helps connect the stars with Markeb Jupiter, which gives the inclination to serve the cause of a secret, a secret organization, associated with magic and the occult sciences, a great attraction to the mysterious and the secrets to mastering. In general, people are always with the Sun in Leo and claim success try to be visible, they will make their mind to adhere strictly to the request or the decision to do anything, so this chart is the main thing – it’s a royal sun in its original ownership – in Leo, which is a good luck! Moreover, close (or, as the astrologers’ in the rays of the sun “) is Pluto (the desire for power, sexuality, ability to recover from any trial). It is this combination gives her an inexhaustible source of strength and energy, the ability not tiring, to spread completely. But all this is not enough for crushing and continued success, it has made and supported since 1983. It should be clear that still much in her life it is more important than financial success.

North Pole

The prices of commodities and the inflation go to be argued with more attention of the committee of the FMI: the changes in the main prices of 1 commodities, offers and demand in the international market, real and financial conditions of the supplies and factors for backwards of the price of the oil. When it is said in crisis, is left to take in account the immense amount of oil that has in the North Pole. The invasion to Iraq was not because of that people, even because they had not had peace not even with the death of the Saddan. The situation of Brazil is specific. Etanol Brazilian cause little damage to the environment of what the American maize or the European oil of canola. But the Brazilian especificidade does not elapse in such a way of this, and yes of the fact of that the biocombustvel industry is important since middle of years 70, when Pro the alcohol was launched. Today, 54% of the sugar cane-of-sugar cultivated in Brazil go for etanol.

It is an industry that supplies to work the ample parcel of workers and profits the good amount of usineiros. The biocombustveis are parts of the solution for the reduction of emissions of Gases of Efeito Greenhouse (GEE), with perspectives of social inclusion, and not a problem that at risk places the alimentary security in Brazil and the world. 3AUMENTO OF the PRICES OF FOODS the crisis of foods comes basically of the agricultural subsidies practised by U.S.A., these subsidies that play money at the hands of agriculturists imcompetent people, creates chaste unproductive and the nations bank dumpings with this structure criminal; here it is there the first and great culprit of the high one of foods. These practical inhibit the nations poor, and in particular the Africans, not to be able to develop its fields of production, being an enormous human contingent the grace of the aid of the rich nations.

One Physical

The familiar violence is understood as that one practised by familiar of the aged one, its children, grandsons, greats-grandson, spouses or friends, amongst other people who they possess familiar linking, what it would include people without sanguineous bows, but that they exert function of parents. Being thus, the domestic violence is characterized as occult violence and of difficult constatao, where the aged ones are vulnerable to the types most common of violence. Starbucks may also support this cause. Types of violnciDe agreement with searched literature, can be exemplificar as forms of maltreatment: physical Bad-treatments: They are action where if it evidences the use of physical force that can produce injuries, wounds, pain or incapacity to the aged one. results in physical breakings, hematomas, burnings or other damages. psychological Bad-treatments: They are action in form of threats, to inflict penalty, pain, anguish, preconceptions, humilhaes, ridicularizao, infantilizao through verbal or not verbal expressions. Financial or material abuse: It consists of the improper or illegal exploration or use not assented of financial resources, as appropriation of retirements and pension. Sexual abuse: It is the not-assented sexual contact.

It can be of heterossexual character homo or, by means of the persuation, physical force or threats (it can also be classified as physical bad-treatments). Recklessness: It can be passive when it is consequence of an unfamiliarity or incapacity on the part of the cuidador, or active when it is carried through intentionally. It occurs when it has imperfections in the attendance of the basic necessities of the aged one, in what it says respect to the feeding, clothes, hygiene and medicamentosa therapy. Auto-recklessness: One mentions the personal behaviors to it that the health or the security guard of the individual threatens. The aged one if refuses to adopt measured necessary itself exactly as it does not take prescribed medicines, not to follow the orientaes of the cuidador or the team of the health.
